
Welcome to my blog! My name's Daniel, and I like thinking about ways to improve our world. I believe in building projects that connect, inform, and empower people, without sacrificing privacy, transparency, or individual agency.

I want this site to be a place where I can collect and share my thoughts on software development, philosophy, society, and anything else that I find interesting! Here's a (non-comprehensive) list of topics that you can expect me to write about somewhat frequently:

Coding practices • Free software • Philosophy • Injustice • Ecology • Internet history • Education • Anthropology

Of course, any opinions shared here are from my perspective only, and do not reflect the views of anyone I happen to be affiliated with.

If one of my articles happened to interest you, feel free to leave a comment at my site's discussions page! If you want to share an article, or the site in general, first contact me for permission!